Let’s begin with an easy one. Only one choice fits the bill here. The Freudian stages (oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital) emphasize sexuality. Erik Erikson’s eight stages (e.g., trust vs. mistrust or integrity vs. despair) focus on social relationships and thus are described as psychosocial. To mention the other answer choices is to dispose of them. Psychometric simply refers

to mental testing or measurement. Psychodiagnostic pertains to the study of personality through interpretation of behavior or nonverbal cues. In counseling, per se, it also can mean that the counselor uses the aforementioned factors or tests to label the client in a diagnostic category. Psychopharmacology studies the effects that drugs have on psychological functions. (d)

2. In Freudian theory instincts are emphasized. Erik Erikson is an ego psychologist. Ego psychologists

a. emphasize id processes. b. refute the concept of the superego. c. believe in man’s powers of reasoning to control behavior. d. are sometimes known as radical behaviorists.