The ABC Company (the fictitious name of the actual company) was established in 1847 and was the first company in the territory of Bohemia to produce yeast. It witnessed its greatest boom in the 1920s, and it continued to prosper until 1945 when the company was taken over by the so-called state administration. The year 1992 turned out to be an important milestone for the company as it regained its legal personality and was transformed into a joint stock company. The company produced dozens of kinds of standard and first-class spirits. As a result of a series of managerial decisions, five years later the company went bankrupt. After being the subject of bankruptcy proceedings in the period 1997 to 2007, the company was acquired by the DUAS (the fictitious name of the actual company) joint stock company. The new owner was working hard to enlarge its range of products. In 2008, the DUAS joint stock company was purchased by a well-known Dutch company. Thanks to this transaction, the third-place position of the Dutch company on the Czech beer market was strengthened and, simultaneously, its market share grew to 12 percent. In 2010, the boards of directors of the Dutch company and the DUAS company decided to merge by acquisition. Thus the DUAS company ceased to exist without liquidation, and its assets were transferred to the Dutch company represented in the Czech Republic.