Universities face many challenges on the African continent. Assie-Lumumba (2006: 71) poignantly claims that from the 1990s higher education, especially universities in Africa, was characterised by great instability as indicated by numerous confrontations between students, faculties, administrations and governments. This instability is further compounded by economic failures, stagnation and regression, which adversely affect the advancement of higher education on the continent (Assie-Lumumba, 2006: 75). Some of the main reasons for the ill-preparedness of African universities to meet societal needs are their alienation from the broader society and business community, as well as the inefficiency of university administration, organisation and management (Assie-Lumumba, 2006: 78). Likewise, Teferra and Altbach (2003: 4) argue that the influence of colonialism on African higher education contributed towards restricting student access, undermining the teaching of students in indigenous languages, limiting academic freedom and constraining the Africanisation of the curriculum.