Case Story: Fathering in an Extended Family Rakesh and Chitra (both 30 years of age and of East Indian origin) live with their 2-and 5-year-old sons in the municipality of Penal/Debe in southern Trinidad. They met while they were working at a bookstore, and in consultation with their parents they arranged their own marriage. Because Chitra grew up in a Hindu household and Rakesh in a Christian household, two separate wedding ceremonies were performed. This couple represents a growing trend among young Indo Caribbeans to choose their own marital partners and embrace different religious beliefs, yet remain traditional in other aspects of their lives. After marriage, they moved into a flat above Rakesh’s family residence that is located about a half-mile from Chitra’s ancestral home. This living arrangement is viewed as temporary; they hope to save enough money for a down payment on a piece of land to build their own house.