As a teacher in the college introductory leadership studies class, Dr. Campbell always starts her new class by asking students, “So, what is leadership?” ”is semester, Joe energetically says, “A leader is a person in charge who gets things done!” Sarah thoughtfully shakes her head and says, “I think leadership is about people working together to get things done.” Avril ponders their answers and comments, “I think leadership is what anyone is doing when they work with other people toward the same goal.” Dr. Campbell pauses a minute and asks, “So, Joe, are you a leader?” Joe quickly responds, “Oh sure, I am o¢en elected to leadership positions.” She glances around the classroom and asks, “What about you, Grace? Are you a leader?” Grace quickly responds, “Oh no, I am not a leader, but I try to be a really good group member.” Dr. Campbell addresses the entire class and asks, “How is it that there are so many di–erent views of what leadership is?”