We are all different but we expect equal opportunities. There is an irony in that children identified as not coping with, or not able to access, the planned curriculum have an even more complicated structure put around them. Forty years ago this was not the case, and this might also be true 40 years on, when perhaps what makes us different will not be such a mystery. Currently measures designed to lessen inequality revolve around ‘personalisation’. We are, however, social creatures and the things we have in common with our fellow human beings are greater than our differences. Sharing music making can illustrate this commonality, this community, intensely and delightfully. The challenge then – particularly in whole class instrumental and vocal teaching (WCIVT) – is to meet individual needs (including those of children with special educational needs) whilst not losing the essence of what makes ‘making music together’ a rich and meaningful musical experience. This chapter will focus upon those children whose special educational needs potentially present a barrier to them accessing the music curriculum and musical opportunities which are intended to be available to all children. By the end of this chapter we will have considered:

music teaching and learning; ● addressing particular special educational needs through specific approaches to music teach-

ing and learning.