There is an old saying: you can see the jar half empty or half full. As simplistic as it sounds, it’s very true. How we perceive our life circumstances can drastically alter our mental and physical status. Individuals who are interested in home decorating know this principle from experience. Presentation is everything in the creation of a particular perception. The same picture hung on the wall can project many different feels to the room depending on the frame used. A small, plain, black frame may project a very masculine, streamlined, modern look. The same picture set in a large, ornate, gilded frame may take on a more feminine, formal, elegant look. Yet the picture remains the same. Just as we can choose what type of frame we put around a favorite picture on our walls, we can choose the frame we put around our life circumstances. Will this change our circumstances? Of course not. However, seeing our life circumstances in a different “frame” may become a great encouragement to change those circumstances.