The statistics point to the challenges faced by transition age youth with disabilities related to achieving employment outcomes. For example, youth with disabilities are twice as likely to drop out of high school (21% vs. 10%) than their non-disabled peers (National Organization on Disability, 2004). The National Longitudinal Transition Study reported that 4 out of 10 out-of-school youth with disabilities interviewed were employed, which is substantially below the employment rate among same-age out-of-school youth in the general population (Wagner, Newman, Cameto, Garza, & Levine, 2005). Employment rates for youth with intellectual disabilities or with multiple disabilities have been reported in the 15% to 25% range for those who have been out of school for less than 2 years (McGlashingJohnson, Agran, Sitlington, Cavin, & Wehymeyer, 2003).