Germany as a pioneer: the 40 per cent target Germany should pioneer climate protection efforts and support a 30 per cent reduction on EU level. In this regard, the recent unconditional adoption of the 40 per cent target (Koalitionsvertrag zwischen CDU, CSU und FDP 2009) (reducing German emissions by 40 per cent by the year 2020 compared to 1990) is the right step to back up claims for strong international targets. Germany is already benefiting from its market leadership in the field of CO2-saving technologies and is capable of developing this position further. We must do more because the later we start the more expensive the consequences of climate change will be. Although the targets laid down in the Kyoto Protocol up to the year 2012 are within reach for Germany and the EU, they are only a first step. Within the scope of the distribution of burdens in the EU-15

under the Kyoto Protocol, Germany has undertaken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 21 per cent over the period from 1990 to the 2008-12 period. According to calculations by the Federal Environment Agency, more than 22 per cent was already achieved in 2007 (German Federal Environment Agency 2009). The measures discussed below will enable Germany to achieve the remaining 18 per cent by the year 2020.