Th is chapter proclaims the obvious: Refocusing school leadership on human development is about dealing with human beings-dealing with them not as cogs in a wheel, not as zombies ready for programming, not as simple items in the budget, but, rather, in their humanity, as individuals with their own experiential biographies, their multiple talents, interests, biases, limitations, and enormous potential. Human beings within the context of the work of schooling can be considered as bringing their human resources to that work, resources still partially and unevenly developed, but nonetheless resources that make the work possible, and possible as distinctly human work. Unlike material resources, humans bring to the work of schooling their larger personal work which is the development of a human life that has meaning and value and purpose. Th at personal work of building a life needs to be integrated with their engagement in the work of the school. Th at is where those who lead the work of the school come in. Th ey help to highlight the human value and meaning and purpose of the work of the school as coherent with the journey of personal human development. In other words, through the infl uence of the multiple leaders in the school, the work of teaching and learning comes to be seen as humanly fulfi lling work for both the learners and the teachers. Th ese leaders help to develop the multiple human resources that learners and teachers bring to the work of the school.