Mr Murry in his essay on Mr I. A. Richards seems to take it that as scientist or philosopher the latter resents the poet's claim to 'knowledge'. The former appears to miss few opportunities for a hit at the latter, while perhaps the most superficial essay Mr Murry ever wrote was that on Mr Richard's Principles of Literary Criticism, an essay which is not a critical examination of its subject but a travesty. Keats and Shakespeare are full of emotive utterance, but on Mr Richards' implied admission such states as the book describes could not be conveyed by intellectual analysis. The insistence on the individual as the moral unit and the source of all acceptable values, to be discerned in the work of such widely discussed and various writers as Messrs Havelock Ellis, J. C. Smuts, A. N, Whitehead, J. W. N. Sullivan, Lawrence Hyde, Henry Chester Tracy, and Count Keyserling.