This chapter explores two basic approaches for Therapeutic Considerations. The literature on therapy with Munchausen by Proxy (MBP) perpetrators will be reviewed. Therapeutic approaches found in the literature and the claims are presented. The mental health diagnoses often associated with MBP and the therapeutic approaches often associated with these diagnoses are reviewed. Issues of dependency, lack of personal competence, denial, avoidance, and resistance often need to be addressed as part of the psychotherapeutic process. Because of the realities of working with MBP perpetrators, the therapeutic stages of engagement, assessment/diagnosis, and evaluation are crucial. It goes counter to some of our present understandings of personality disorder, and is worthy of further study especially in relation to its implications for diagnosis and treatment of MBP perpetrators who have been diagnosed with personality disorder. Because of this positive outlook, if an MBP perpetrator has been correctly diagnosed with depression, the chances are good that responds to treatment.