Modern education, conceived in the late 18th century and expanded in the early 19th century to promote enlightenment and social equality, may finally be nearing its institutional limit. Over the past decade, following nearly a century of steady gains, there has been little further advancement in modern education. The modern system has proved effective in serving the interests of the established core of contemporary society, but ineffective in reaching for the periphery. The contributors to this volume offer various corrective approaches to correct this state of affairs.

part |32 pages


chapter |10 pages

The Last Frontiers of Education for All

A Close-Up of Schools in the Periphery

part |229 pages


chapter |16 pages

School Curriculum in the Periphery

The Case of South India

chapter |43 pages

Teachers Working in the Periphery

Addressing Persistent Policy Issues

chapter |30 pages

School and Classroom Organization in the Periphery

The Assets of Multigrade Teaching

part |51 pages

Managing Change