The aim of the study was to describe the perception of pre-service teachers in the Sarjana Mendidik di Daerah Terdepan, Terluar, dan Tertinggal (SM3T) program toward gender differences. This is a descriptive qualitative study involving 111 participants. The data was collected using survey and interview. Purposive random sampling was employed to select the participants. The quantitative data was collected and analyzed by using the Harvard Analytical Framework. The data from interview was analyzed by using interpretive analysis, comprising of reduction, display, conclusion drawing, and verification. The results show that based on female perception about access, there has been a tendency that access for males is different from that of females. The males have more access to school funds, sport facilities and electronic devices, while females have more access to libraries, laboratories and books. In terms of participation, males are still dominant in self-development and have a better chance to be leader. In terms of control, males are dominant in the decision-making process.