The study aims at developing learning materials containing character education integrated in teaching and learning Bahasa Jawa (Javanese language) at secondary schools in Central Java. The model is integrated in the teaching-learning process, curriculum, syllabus, lesson plan, and learning materials. The researchers apply a descriptive qualitative method. The objects cover tembang macapat (Javanese song) lyrics containing five-character values. Data are collected using library and recording techniques. Data validity is checked using triangulation. Data are analyzed by texts analysis. The result shows that tembang macapat texts contain character education and can be used as learning materials integrated in teaching and learning of Javanese Language given to secondary school students in Central Java. This can be implemented by singing tembang macapat at the beginning or the end of every lesson. Then, teacher explains the character education beyond the song. Besides, it can be inserted in parts of curriculum, syllabus, lesson plan, and learning materials.