Enhancement of students’ character has become a significant topic in chemistry education today. Responsibility is one of the important pillars of character. Chemistry learning that provides a variety of learning experiences with the optimization of student involvement facilitates the development of the character of student responsibilities. Descriptive studies have been conducted to explore the character of students’ responsibility through the implementation of context-based chemistry learning. The samples of this research are students in an automotive program of vocational education. The results showed that the character of students’ responsibility developed during electrochemical and petroleum subject matters. The analysis showed that most students already have a good character of responsibility. There are four indicators including response, earnestness, acceptance and execution. The character indicator with the best response was that of acceptance of responsibility. The poorest was the task execution indicator. The implementation of context-based learning opens the minds of vocational students that chemistry is important in supporting vocational competencies. This fosters responsibility for completing good chemistry learning tasks.