The Indo-China region is probably considered the centre of rice bean origin and diversity, as it is found naturally growing in India and Central China. Rice bean is highly nutritious. Its dry seeds are a good source of carbohydrates, protein, minerals and vitamins. Rice bean is a crop with multiple uses as it is locally used for the preparation of several food items. Rice bean is primarily used in different herbal medicines and the red type is used in Chinese traditional medicine, sometimes in combination with female ginseng (Angelica sinensis). Rice bean can be grown in diverse environments due to its wider adaptation. Rice bean can be grown in a wide range of soils, including shallow, infertile, or degraded soils but red soils, which are moderate in fertility status, are considered best for its cultivation. The seed rate depends on several factors such as variety, foil fertility, growing season, irrigation resources, climatic conditions of the growing region and sowing method.