In Mexico, most of the climates of the planet are represented, largely due to its complex topography and geographical position as an area of confluence and boundary of neartica and neotropical bioregions. Historically, Mexico Basin was made up of five large lakes were interconnected: Chalco, Texcoco, Xaltocan, Xochimilco, and Zumpango, which covered an area of approximately 920 km2. Berlanga-Robles et al. (2007) reviewed 18 classification systems around the world and considering the advantages and disadvantages of such classification systems, in order to contribute to the Mexico's National Inventory of Wetlands. The Lake System of Xochimilco is a permanent wetland, which was formed in a place of natural discharge, in a closed basin. Lake system has had gradual processes of artificial extraction for potabilization plants to provide water to the Mexico City population, both of surface water and groundwater to meet the needs of the Mexico City urban area.