Sentence enforcement is arranged by a stepwise process, structured by three plans. For all prisoners a sentence plan is prepared to direct the interventions and programmes during imprisonment. Also the release phase and post-release are guided by separate release and supervision plans, which include information about the contact-meetings, plans related to housing, work, education, studies, finances, programmes and tasks. Three release-forms are in use. Practically all (99%) prisoners are released on regular parole after serving either half or two-thirds of the original sentence. Six months prior to regular parole a prisoner may be released on application on electronically monitored supervised probationary liberty. A small group (one to two cases/year) of high-risk violent recidivists serve their sentence in full and are subjected to a specific form of post-release supervision for a period of one year. Altogether, the enforcement process and preparation for release have become more pre-planned and systematic. At the moment the lack of resources is considered to be the most urgent obstacle for more effective resettlement work, both in prisons and after release.