Enzymes are a group of proteins that promote the transformation of chemical species in biological systems. They are able to catalyze a multitude of different simple as well as complex chemical reactions found in nature. The chapter focuses on the different strategies of biological assembly of nanobiocatalysts, because the method offers several advantages compared to the other approaches. It discusses the consideration of active site orientation of the enzyme of interest upon immobilization. Enzyme-assisted covalent immobilization method of biological assembly utilizes specific conjugating enzymes to achieve a strong covalent bonding between the enzyme of interest and the supporting material. Crystalline bacterial cell surface layer proteins, are found in every taxonomic group of walled eubacteria and represent an almost universal feature in archaebacteria. Virus-like particles genetically fused with proteins are popularly used in phage display for the study of protein-protein, protein-peptide, and protein-DNA interactions.