468Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is a primitive sacred cereal grain, which contributes nearly 12% of the global coarse cereal production. Globally, it occupied fourth rank amongst cereals. It is considered a crop of marginal farmers due to its low input requirement and better adaptability on marginal lands, tolerance to drought, salinity, and alkalinity. It is an important winter cereal crop in Rajasthan and rank on top in area and production of barley amongst the different barley growing states of India. The agro-climatic situations of Rajasthan are quite suitable for barley cultivation. During the last decade demand of malt barley in domestic market for industrial utilization has increased. Water availability may be crucial and a limiting factor for growing those crops which need more water. As a result of it, area under barley cultivation is expected to increase in Rajasthan due to climate change. Diseases are important constraints besides water availability to barley production and quality. Due to the change in climate conditions, cropping pattern and adoption of new technologies particularly use of micro irrigation system in Rajasthan, the diseases like stripe rust, leaf rust, leaf stripe, loose smut, foliar blight, covered smut, and cereal cyst nematode are causing significantly yield losses in Rajasthan. In this chapter, important barley diseases prevailing in Rajasthan during past one decade have been described in detail and integrated management practices are outlined.