Although the smallest of Canadian Provinces, the Province of Prince Edward Island Department of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy (TIE), is responsible for the densest network of roadway and bridges per capita of any Province in the nation. Over the last 9 years, TIE has taken steps to implement bridge management processes including implementing an advanced bridge management system (BMS) which has enabled the department to make significant improvements in the management of inventory and inspection data, the inspection process, tracking and reporting condition thru a standard condition index, and in handling of inspection photos, videos, plans and other documents.

The department continues to optimize its treatment costs for maintenance and replacement costing models as well as utilize the BMS’s powerful analytical tools in determining its Capital Program for five years and ten years, including placing limits on available budgets for the same time periods. Risk principles have been applied through the use of a Bridge Criticality and Urgency (BCU) and a Risk Analysis to determine structures which pose a significant risk. TIE have also adopted a bridge asset valuation methodology and are in the process of implementing a new Sufficiency Index (SI), which includes appraisals of load carrying capacity, scour, flood, seismic, safety as well as condition and risk. Currently the SI is being tested and calibrated.

The department has tracked the Provincial networks’ BCI and risk profile over the past 5 years and has correlated this with the available budgets over the same time frame. The results appear to be somewhat encouraging. Improvement in condition has been measured in correlation to increased maintenance and rehabilitation budgets and the number of structures in the higher risk category has been reduced.

This paper will look at the positive strides the department has made in the management of its infrastructure since 2007. Experience will be shared in how the department can now forecast condition, perform tradeoff analysis between budgets and condition, establish 5 and 10 year needs and budget requirements, and manage risk.