The effects of employee commitment and organizational climate on effective appraisal systems are discussed in relation to each of the six facilitory factors like communication, legitimacy and validity, instrumentality, job standards and expectations, participation, and managerial support. This chapter argues that both employee commitment and organizational climate have an impact on the effectiveness of a performance-appraisal system. It discusses briefly the primary objectives of appraisal systems from the organization's standpoint and speculates concerning certain conditions that facilitate or inhibit these outcomes. The chapter considers the manner in which employee commitment and organizational climate affect these facilitating conditions. It considers any reciprocal relationships, or feedback loops, that impinge on the model and it considered a series of hypotheses to guide subsequent research in order to further clarify our knowledge of this important topic. The chapter describes the interactive relationships between employee commitment, organizational climate, and appraisal systems, and by proposing a general conceptual model highlighting such interrelationships.