This introduction provides an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book presents various conceptualizations about autoethnographic research. Autoethnography starts with a person, an individual researcher, who interrogates their self and their positionality within larger social contexts. Autoethnographies come in many forms, from layered accounts, to those that are theory explicit, to those that incorporate theory implicitly, to those that explore organizing through conversations. The book examines the understudied intersection between family and organizational communication. It shows how intra- and interpersonal communication acts as a process of sensemaking, providing an insider's perspective. The book also examines (dis)trust in superior-subordinate communication in information technology position, examining how the psychological contract is broken over time. It considers issue with how organizational scholarship muddles power issues surrounding the contract, conflates the relationship with superiors with that of the organization proper, and how organizational-occupational exit and processes of socialization are not necessarily distinct activities.