The oscillator is unique in that the time-varying output and natural system response are fundamentally intertwined. This chapter introduces a general framework for analyzing single-event transients in oscillator circuits. It provides details on the simulation requirements to make single event transients (SET) predictions of oscillators. Since the time-varying nature of the oscillator is inextricably linked to its operation, it becomes necessary to develop methods to characterize the single-event response of a circuit whose state could be changing continuously. Accurately predicting the SET response of oscillators requires several simulation steps. The measurement equipment used to capture SETs in oscillators is largely the same as other circuits and devices, with the highspeed, real-time oscilloscope being the measurement workhorse. A resonant tank oscillator operates by using an amplifier to overcome the losses of a resonant circuit. The chapter presents a framework for understanding single-event phenomena in oscillators in a manner congruous to existing mechanisms for dealing with such events.