The basis of any reliable fault diagnosis method of electrical machines is precise performance analysis of them at different conditions. Modeling of faulty machines is the first step of this procedure and has considerable effects on the accuracy of results. The two-dimensional and three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) as powerful simulators has been utilized to model faulty machines in different cases. Based on the supply to the machine, FEMs are classified into current-fed and voltage-fed approaches. The voltage-fed time-stepping FEM has been utilized to calculate machine signals. Eccentricity fault is due to bearings fatigue, manufacturing and assembling processes, and other mechanical reasons. In this fault, conformity of the stator axis, rotor axis, and rotor rotating axis are disturbed. The reasons for increasing the eccentricity are bad position of the stator core due to the mounting of the motor and nonorientation of the stator and rotor centers during the primary maintenance.