This chapter focuses on the campaign to realize the "China dream", which became the dominant domestic theme of the Xi Jinping administration during its first two years, aimed at restoring the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s ideological legitimacy and attractiveness, and at enhancing its self-confidence. It considers the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative, Xi's main foreign policy innovation, which represents his administration's attempt to lay the basis for a more active and distinctive long-term foreign policy. Xi Jinping has been credited with launching a number of new foreign policy "concepts". Three are worthy of note. The first is the "new type of Great Power relations", which is supposed to characterize Sino-American relations since Xi met Obama. Second, there is the issue of relations with states around China's borders. But the most eye-catching – and possibly the one with the longest term significance – has been the third: the OBOR initiative.