In Otras Inquisiciones, Borges compares Kierkegaard and Kafka as follows, The mental affinity between these writers is not a secret to anybody; that which needs to be highlighted is the fact that Kierkegaard, like Kafka, abounds with religious parables of contemporary and bourgeois flavor. Borges seems to be acquainted with works of the first translator into English since he quotes Walter Lowrie's Kierkegaard from the Oxford University Press edition where two of those parables are transcribed. Carlos Astrada was a prolific Argentinian philosopher who developed a peculiar existential philosophy in which the concepts of risk and game play a central role. In the introduction to The Existential Game, Carlos Astrada expresses his admiration for Heidegger by calling him the philosopher of greatest significance in the Western world in his time. The lack of reliable translations as well as the fragmentary and negligent character of existing Spanish versions has been an obstacle to a responsible reception of Kierkegaard in South America.