The author was called to be a minister in September 1968. It was a crisis point of conflict and change in American society and around the world. That year included the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, the Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy assassinations, the May riots in Paris, the rampage of the Cultural Revolution in China, race riots in American cities, the chaos inside and outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, massive protests against the Vietnam War, the election of Richard Nixon (self-styled Quaker), the Beatles’ white album and much more. During the author's time in Berkeley, he revised and sought a publisher for his Drew University dissertation on Fox. That work finally appeared with Friends United Press, Apocalypse of the Word: the life and message of George Fox. He settled with a Quaker denominational press, feeling that his primary audience was his fellow Friends in both the liberal-unprogrammed and pastoral streams of Quakerism.