( 114) : i . t f c c f e yaine and fcolifli pleas, now,,- !wby how dared he aft upon foch grounds fiow/Ht? only Way therefore will be to repent.ofthjs his^/c And pfay Cod) if perhdPs the thought $ of,his { heart fit*) ht for given him % which will be more to his hp#ovr\ then by Priming any more «r>grj,bitkti againft, two iveake women (who are not able tp. fpeake for: th$itvr felves in Print (neither is it required) fo WQll asftujffj cfpecially Sc hollers) to witheld tttithin uMgbix* mfmflc, to opprejje the innocent##4 to.covef hi$,<5wn Sini which whofoeyer doth *; $.aUr\Qt pro/per f'tkz gaouth of the lerd hath (poken it. w>. W-; \ ; { -i •• *