We asked him Whether every.man and woman d d not flat\£ guilty before God of.aH the lins they evercommitttd be ore Re­ generation •> He faid. Tea. /Vnd he did confelsall their Learning and J anpiape* (m their jplalcs) was but to ferve the Lord. Wc ■toldhim, »h their Prayin£,Rrcachingand^roudmg,was no more accepted chan C*,n*s Sacrifice; unlafs they werr moved ot the EternalSp ncof the Lord. We a<kt him , if he that was in them/ 17a* grcarer than he thac was in us ^ .and why they had not ovcrcotnVti* all thac time I Wc were very fenliblc of their wo-kim^f d*y and nigh t. bU faid, Became we teffied(lili We asU him for Our Ciblcs I He fyid. We fhmld ncvtr jeethent again % the) were falfe.