' (4©> , , . fent, 'New the knowledge df GoduLtfe Eternal, and there is mother way to come to this\r.owledge% but to have the.mind turned jr:m M <- neft to the Light^out of the vifible^to that nhuhts tnv'fible , vtz,, the Light in the Confcience5 which conn eelh oj fin and inie]uity% v hen no mortal eye.can feeyou\and as jou nm t to Uze it^ and to have jour minis /laid Hfin ityjoH will feeI the incomes of (Jod's tower to admmtftercon* demnatton uron the tra tfp ef)crf that keeps the pure Seed n bondage tn joh j For Sion is redeemed through Judgcmeht,and her Converts with Rightcoufncf^