( * S > tain Norris, and agreed with him to tranfport himfelf and three or four friends into France. The conditions of their Agreement were; That before the two and twentieth day of that inftant September JLimbry (hould bring his VefTel into Cbarmoutb-Rozd, and on the faid two and twentieth, in the night fhould receive the Colonel and his company into his Long-boat from the Beach near CbarmoHtb, from thence carry them to his Ship, and fo land them fafe in Franco. This the Colonel conjured Lirnbry to perform with all fecrefie, becaufe all the PafTengers were of the Royal party, and intended to be (hipped without leave, to avoid fuch Oaths and Engagements, which othenvifc would be forced upon them : And thereA fore Privacie in this tranfa&ion would free him from Danger, and themfelves from Trouble, the true caufe why they fo earneftly thirfted (for fome time) to leave their native Country. Limbrys Salary was Sixty pounds, which the Captain engaged to pay at his return from France, upon fight of a Certificate under the Paflengers hands of their landing there. To the performance