* , . M ' ; ' flitty t Jft&to'-Chafgt wee vvkb,WhoiAfte'ad>«f tirtfw^ ribg - direftly 'to' my qtteftibn’ Tayd* tlteft! iy«uld^bee a Sacrament the 'nwrLordsvdajry vvhteh' (3sl ‘remember;1 was.-piitf of, andtfcrati f6trie:bady did ilefire mee to fdrbeare j'tiiy Ah* ' fwer was',th&t I ’fhould riot giueoffettce toanyf he then told mee what a doe'th^y Had to pleafd mee, ihftancirig in his wife ^dead.and buried long before. ' : ’ M