fcttlowtha&hpwas the ehi«foft~o6 renth<Hjfarxl, CaM^s.Kitile , is-v?hire and ruddy, His Costurmartce ixexccHent,. Hislltauih istnoft fwrcr, ha w alcogethcrlmKly, hewrtfee Spoufc woq!i,jf it w « f poffible oucvye Chrift by way of adtaination:: here is the di (playing the colours of each otltcr, as if they twould fee whtsH could advance higheft in. exaltations, and needs mufti ttkcebc joy in flicha Soul that is betrothed; nnt» Chrift, andiradeow withHinijvery wtll may it break forth int» a.fingiDgrtote j my Ik lo ved; (pake and fayd unto me; Rife Jupmy love aad&trcotM and come away. Cant, 2.10. Fop loe the Winter ispa%,tfie . Rainc i&ovcti and gone, the Flowers-appears oni the Earth', -awl . the time of tinging of Birds is comc, rrow wiHEfiB$unto.ray weH beknred'a fong of prayfts and, thanksgiving. 471(3; SJog prayfeuntoGod, fing prayft, fitog prayfe unto car? Hirg<, fag yeeprayfes with undcrftanding. PJ'al.59.17* unto> ttweCJ&my ftreiigth will I-(ing, for God i& my dcfcoce-and-thcGbdofmy mercies Hebr.t. 12. I-willdcdiirerhy Name untcx tnyBrethrcn in the middft of the Church, I will ftng prayft finta thcci, 1 Cife**