This chapter begins with the creation of a warrior state under Mamari (also called Biton) Kulubali around 1712. The defeat of the Segu Bambara forces at Witala pushed the balance of power in favor of further tonjonw decentralization. This characterized both the joint Segu-Masina alliance at Tio opposite Sinsani in January 1861 and the ephemeral defense of Segu itself in March 1861. The chapter explores the conceptual and explanatory problems in several important studies of warfare in Africa and presents an alternative hypothesis. It suggests that enslavement was a productive activity which created its own peculiar historical dynamic. The concepts advanced in the first part will be applied to the Segu Bambara and Segu Tokolor political economies. Warfare dominated the society and the economy in both the Segu Bambara and Segu Tokolor states. A study of warfare as a form of production will underline the relationship between warriors and the state and the mechanisms of social reproduction.