Increasing the quality of maritime studies is a relevant problem, which may be studied in different aspects, and one of them is the study of the students’ approach to learning as the individual students’ characteristics. Quality of studies is a multidimensional and complex phenomenon (Heywood, 2000; Bartuseviciene, Rupsiene, 2010). The impact of the students’ approach to learning on the results of studies was investigated in the works of F. Marton and R. Säljö, (1976), P. Ramsden (2003), N. Petty (2004), G. Pask (1976), N. Entwistle, P. Ramsden (1983). The authors who had investigated the process of studies determined that there were two different students’ approaches to learning that were named by the scientists as deep and surface ones. According to those authors different approaches to learning determine different results of learning, therefore, investigating the students’ approaches to learning and determining the prerequisites of deep approach to learning that leads to better results of studies, it is possible to find an answer to the question about the increasing of the quality of studies.