The concept of the postsecular has a wide range of formulations and applications across highly diverse disciplines and fields of inquiry, such as cinema studies (Bradatan and Ungureanu 2014; Kilbourn 2017; Caruana and Cauchi 2018), feminism (Bracke 2008; Braidotti 2008; Butler 2008; Vasilaki 2016; Deo 2018), geography (Cloke and Beaumont 2013; Williams 2014; Gökariksel and Secor 2015; Della Dora 2018), and religion (De Vries and Sullivan 2006; Gorski et al. 2012; Ni 2016; Areshdize 2017; Mapril et al. 2017; Dillon 2018). With such an expanse of postseculars, how can we understand some of this concept’s features and forms? I offer in this chapter some theoretical framings of the postsecular. These framings are not exhaustive. They address primarily postsecularism as it has been inflected by postcolonial studies and literary studies, with these framings necessarily overlapping with one another. Given the fecundity of postsecularism as both theory and methodology, the framings that follow can resonate across the disciplines, allowing for further theorizations.