This chapter focuses on three interconnected spaces – Tunisia, France and Israel in the post-migration period – as depicted by a Franco-Tunisian Jewish novelist, Chochana Boukhobza. It shows how this writer envisions her identity in relation to different national and ethnic feelings of belonging and how she discusses ideas of Jewishness, Israeliness and Frenchness. Born in Sfax in 1959, Chochana Boukhobza is a renowned Francophone novelist who often defined herself as an exile: born in in Tunisia and having grown up in Paris, at seventeen years old she moved to Israel but after a few years came back to France, where Boukhobza now lives. The chapter discusses Un ete a Jerusalem and Pour l'amour du pere, the two novels by Boukhobza that most explicitly discuss her Tunisian Jewish background and the peregrinations of her family across the Mediterranean, from Tunisia to France and Israel.