Ethanol and other biofuels will play an important role in future

low-carbon society. The direct use of such compounds in fuel cell

is one of the promising options to realize high-efficiency utilization

of biofuels. In this chapter, we focus on the mechanistic aspects of

ethanol and glucose oxidation in alkaline environment to provide

insights into the direct use of biofuels in fuel cells. Au is selected as

a promising catalyst alternative to Pt. To understand the catalytic

activity of Au in alkaline environment, we first analyzed by using

density functional theory the surface state of Au in alkaline solution

and the oxidation reaction of ethanol and glucose to understand

key factors in their electro-oxidation process in direct alkaline fuel

cell. From the calculated adsorption energy of OH− in alkaline solution, high OH− coverage of the Au surface in alkaline solution is indicated. As a first step to analyze the oxidation reaction

mechanism of ethanol, its state in alkaline solution is investigated. It

was confirmed that the ethanol dissociates to be deprotonated form

under high pH condition. The oxidation process is studied assuming

the deprotonated form of ethanol on OH-covered Au surface. We

followed the same way to tackle the mechanism of glucose oxidation

on Au catalyst in alkaline environment.We finally analyzed the effect

of support materials on glucose oxidation as a measure for further

improvement of activity of gold catalyst. The factors influencing the

high catalytic activity of gold are discussed.