A potential solution to overcome the problems is to fabricate, design, and shape nanostructured electrode materials that provide high surface area and short diffusion paths for ionic transport and electronic conduction. The fabrication of nanostructured electrodes seems to be one of the most promising tracks for improving the performances of power sources because of several advantages. The electrochemical performances of self-organized titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotube obtained from titanium foils and titanium thin films deposited onto silicon substrates have been examined according to a procedure described in reference. The use of titanium dioxide in solar energy conversion is directly related with the early development of photoelectrocemical cells to water cleavage and H2 production or electricity generation. The effectiveness of lithium-ion batteries is palpable as—having the advantage of light weight and a reduced size—it is used for consumer electronics such as cellular phones, digital cameras, and laptop computers.