This chapter discusses the accumulation of selenium and zinc by cells and certain organic compounds, pigments content, activity of energy metabolism enzymes and antioxidant system in Chlorella vulgaris Beij. The absorption of selenium by algae and its toxicity greatly vary depending on the morpho-functional characteristics of certain types of algae, concentration and selenium oxidation level, physical and chemical factors of the aquatic environment. It is known that algae growth and development inhibition is higher in samples with selenates than selenites, that's why algae in a processes of their livelihood better absorb Se (IV) compounds from the environment in comparison with Se (VI). The biological effect of accumulated selenium and zinc was detected in: activation of pigment systems as a whole, but there has been a redistribution of value to individual carotenoid pigments in favor of that, except photosynthesis functions involved in ensuring nonenzymatic way antioxidant protection.