Lead is one of the oldest-established poisons existing and is known to be harmful to living system. Lead exposure continues to be a major health problem in population of both developed and developing countries of Third World Nations. A research on the toxic effects of lead continues, and in the last decade, some new information on the manifold influences of this metal has emerged. These effects can be reduced by use of flavonoids such as Naringenin and Silymarin. Naringenin is considered to have a bioactive effect on human health as antioxidant, free radical scavenger, anti-inflammatory, carbohydrate metabolism promoter, and immune system modulator; and Silymarin has been used medicinally to treat liver disorders, including acute and chronic viral hepatitis, toxin/drug-induced hepatitis, and cirrhosis and alcoholic liver diseases. These flavonoids can be used alone or in combination as dietary supplement to reverse lead poisoning.