This chapter is based on a research conducted in the last six years, and part of which was presented as a keynote lecture at the COST-TU1004 TransITS conference, Paris, 11-12 May 2015. The major goal of this chapter is to introduce new and improved ideas and methods of transit-related intelligent transportation systems (ITS). It is not only a matter of illustrating new ITS applications in transit planning and operation, but also to fi nd how far the chapter can inspire the reader’s imagination to think further. The chapter consists of six main sections: (i) introduction, (ii) multi-agent transit system (MATS), (iii) synchronized transfers, (iv) real-time operational tactics, (v) customized bus, and (vi) vehicle-to-vehicle communication and predictive control. Firstly an introduction on ITS-related updates in transit is presented; secondly the remaining fi ve main sections are introduced, including a literature review.