An innovative approach based on topology optimization is presented to define the optimal reinforcing layout for masonry arches and barrel vaults that have to be retrofitted using a prescribed amount of unidirectional fiber-reinforced composite strips. M. Bruggi & A. Taliercio proposed an approach based on Topology Optimization (TO) for in-plane loaded structural elements to define the reinforcing scheme that allows the maximum equivalent stress in the element to be minimized, for a prescribed amount of reinforcement. A TO formulation is presented, to distribute a prescribed amount of fiber-reinforcement at the extrados and/or at the intrados, in order to minimize the overall elastic energy of the strengthened element. The strength in the reinforcing fibers is constrained to be non-negative. Fiber-reinforcement is found to spontaneously arise where cracks would occur in the unreinforced element. The proposed formulation allows also the optimal location of reinforcing steel ties to be spotted out.