This chapter discusses the results of an experimental campaign on unrein- forced masonry elements composed by calcium silicate (CS) bricks. It presents the force-displacement curves; crack patterns; equivalent bilinearization and hysteretic damping were evaluated. CS brick masonry, often used for loadbearing walls in unreinforced masonry buildings with cavity wall systems, is rather common in central and Northern European countries. CS brick masonry is often used for loadbearing walls in unreinforced masonry buildings with cavity wall systems. The comprehensive experimental campaign included material characterization tests on bricks and mortar, tests on masonry small assemblies, shear-compression tests and in-plane cyclic tests on three full-scale masonry piers. The assessment of the seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings with cavity walls including calcium silicate bricks became necessary as a consequence of induced seismicity hazard. The characterization tests provided a description of the mechanical properties of CS masonry, while the in-plane cyclic tests provided an essential source of information on the cyclic lateral behavior.