This chapter presents experimental investigation on historic Unreinforced Masonry walls through models of multiple-leaf masonry walls damaged by combined compression and shear. During the investigation damaged multiple-leaf historic brickwork wall models were reinforced with Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) glued on external surface of walls and subjected to cyclic in-plane loading until failure. A set of experimental tests were carried out on masonry walls with full clay bricks in scale 1/3rd according to the multiple-leaf historic brickwork wall models. The strengthened wall models with GFRP strips have increased the horizontal displacements. The GFRP strips have been modelled according to the real disposition in the L-MW4 specimens, considering the fiber orientation. An investigation on four multiple-leaf masonry wall models has been carried out under in plane loading. They have presented a complete union between the two leaves under loading with a cracking on web plates.