The church of San Martin of Tours in the city of Sechura in the Northern Coast of Peru is a XVIII century colonial building made of brick masonry. The restoration project of the church of San Martin de Tours in the city of Sechura, in the Northern part of Peru has had a long way since 2008 because the structural project of the church was not able to get the approval of the authorities. The use of polymer grid as superficial reinforcement for earthen masonry buildings is widely accepted and used in Peru since 2008, after the 8.0 magnitude earthquake of Pisco in 2008 that caused much damage particularly on earthen buildings. Extensive experimental research on earthen buildings reinforced with polymer grid has been performed in Peru and other countries since 2005. The church of San Martin of Tours in the city of Sechura in the Northern Coast of Peru is a XVIII century colonial building made of brick masonry.