There are growing researches interest in using data mining in the medical domain. Developing in this new approach, called medical data mining, concerned with developing systems that determine and predict knowledge from data generating from medical environments. The data mining in the medical domain specifically the hospital database, including the data, which is huge in amounts, complex in contents, with heterogeneous types, hierarchical and varying in quality. Among last years, the information on laboratories keeps on enhancing and developing. The specific patterns of information can predicated through using data mining methodologies to enhance conducting researches and evaluation of reports. The data mining classification depends on similarities existing in the data. The classification algorithms used to prove


Data mining concept is sorting the data to identify patterns and find relationships between these data. It is techniques are appropriate for simple or structured datasets such as relational databases, transactional databases. Different approaches of data mining proposed to improve the challenges of storing and processing all types of data (Kaur et al., 2015 & Kishore et al., 2015).