The East Southampton Multi-fund is a local association of fundholding general practitioners practices which came together in 1994 as a co-operative group. The Multi-fund allows practices to develop their rich potential purchasing power to provide a framework, not only for the purchasing of secondary services, but also as an engine driving forward primary care development. The Multi-fund evolved from a local purchasing Consortium established soon after the 1992 general election. The Multi-fund's remit is that of a purchasing organization and each fundholding unit could fundhold in its own right. Early in 1995, computer consultants were appointed to oversee an Information technology strategy with the purpose of purchasing a unitary fundholding system for the Multi-fund. Parallel to the development of the Multi-fund is the setting up of a locality out-of-hours assessment centre in a local branch surgery staffed on a co-operative basis according to list size. In 1995, the development of the locality Multi-fund is still at an early stage.